Take a look at a demonstration video that showcases the Prototype as well as explains the design choices made to ensure the primary issues for the project were addressed.
Let's talk about the steps to get to this phase!
Within Ontario, vaccine booking has been seen as a difficult process. With appointments being scattered through different distributors, users had to figure out how to use many different websites just to book vaccines. Users also had to keep up to date with many different vaccine distributors to be able to find out when they would be able to get a vaccine. This is why we wanted to develop a centralized solution to this issue, an application called Vax Ontario. Though this app, users will be able to book an appointment, manage their existing appointments, access a vaccine passport, and even learn more information about vaccines.
One major issue the government of Ontario faced was a high percentage of no-shows for vaccine appointments. This was quite the financial loss to clinics, so one of the primary goals for this app was also to ensure that users were reminded about their appointments and that the cancellation process was quick and easy if they wished to cancel ahead of time.
We began the process by creating an interactive paper prototype that we could use for testing.
Click here to see the paper prototype yourself!
Mid Fidelity Wireframes
We took the information we gained from testing our prototypes to create mid fidelity wireframes. We wanted to ensure that the primary objectives earlier were met and that we could implement the feedback received during our tests with the paper prototype
We then created high fidelity wireframes and began the prototyping phase. We wanted to ensure the following user flows are fluid and easy to follow for any user who wanted to use the app
User Flows
1. Sign up for a new account
2. Log-in to existing account
3. Book a vaccine the regular way
4. edit settings for preference or select a date while doing this
5..View / cancel appointment
6. Find information on vaccines resources
7. Show vaccine passport / add passport to apple wallet
Take a look at a demonstration video that showcases the Prototype as well as explains the design choices made to ensure the primary issues for the project were addressed.